John Ambeliotis
Software Engineer - Musician - Inventor - Futurist - Trekkie



Let me introduce myself. My name is John Ambeliotis. I was born in Athens, Greece, on March 17, 1976, and I have been living in Luxembourg since 2017. My father, Dimitris (Jim) Ambeliotis, and my mother, Helen Ambelioti, raised me alongside my younger sister, Marianthi Ambelioti. In 1986 or 1987, my father bought me my first computer, an Amstrad CPC-464, if I remember correctly. It came with a massive book on BASIC programming. Even back then, I wasn’t particularly interested in playing games. Instead, I was fascinated by software—eager to write my own code and understand how things worked.

I graduated in 1993 from the 4th Technical High School of Athens, specializing in Graphic Arts. After completing my military service (June 1995 – January 1997), I studied Software Engineering for two years at the private educational center EthnoDATA. Over the years, I’ve become familiar with a variety of programming languages. I began my career with Visual Basic, and today, I work primarily as a .NET developer (using Visual Studio and Monodevelop) with C# as my main tool. I also enjoy programming in Java and C++. In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies, playing and creating music, cycling, snowboarding, and traveling.

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